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TCC will resume full schedule of fall classes

TCC district

Tidewater Community College will resume a full schedule of classes this fall with some face-to-face instruction in compliance with state and federal health guidelines. 

The Fall 2020 Semester will begin Aug. 24 and conclude Dec. 18. A revised fall class schedule offering online, hybrid and face-to-face classes will be available by July 13. Priority for face-to-face instruction will be given to performance-based classes and labs that cannot be delivered online. 

“The experts do not know what path this virus will take moving forward,” President Marcia Conston said. “Therefore, the college will remain ready to modify its plan as needed. While no one can guarantee safety, our priority remains the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff. We are taking all of the precautions we can to make TCC as safe as possible.” 

Face-to-face instruction will comply with guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for physical distancing, hygiene and safety.  Face coverings will be strongly recommended, especially in common areas. Enhanced protocols are in place for cleaning and sanitizing all buildings and facilities. 

All courses will be active in CANVAS, and instruction and support for successful online learning will be provided. Virtual student support services will continue to be available. Libraries and selected computer labs will also be open for students enrolled in fall classes. Students will be able to continue accessing wifi in designated parking spaces on all campuses. 

TCC will provide regular updates that include any modifications necessary related to guidance received from Gov. Ralph Northam’s office, the CDC and the Virginia Health Department. 

Students with questions can find support by emailing