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Fabulous Fall Classes: Biology 102 laboratory

We’re taking a peek inside the classroom to offer students a sampling of what they might experience. This week we visited a biology laboratory to see learning in process.

Inside the classroom:

three students stand around a microscope
Jessica Houlker. Deanna Hill and Richelle

BIO 102 lab focuses on the diversity of life, anatomy and physiology of organisms and ecosystem organization and processes. The class emphasizes the process of science using an interdisciplinary approach, stressing the relevance of biology to society.

In this lab, students continued their four-week project of the life cycle of the plant, studying the Ceratopteris fern.

What’s fabulous about it:

“This is an observation lab exposing students to many different organisms, from primitive bacteria to mammals. It’s my hope that students will learn how to think scientifically and take what they learn and apply it to their own lives.” – Cameron Russell, biology instructor


While this lab involves hands-on learning, expect tests, too. When Russell reviews material for the exams, take notes carefully!

Student voices:

two students work together in biology class
Nick Crodick and Josh Ankney

“We’re learning that life is bigger and smaller than us. We can take as many showers as we want, and we still have bacteria on our skin.” – Jessica Houlker

“I like this lab because right away we can see what we are learning in lecture. It really solidifies the concepts for me.” – Josh Ankney

“Lab makes you think outside of the box. I mean how often do you really consider the life cycle of plants?” – Deanna Hill