From Fortnite to formulas, TCC summer camps offer something for everyone

Designing your own version of Fortnite? Channeling your inner entrepreneur? Learning to publish original content on YouTube?
Tidewater Community College ramped up its camp offerings for the summer to include a plethora of new options.
Among them:
Battle Royale: Make your first Fortnite-style video game
Unreasonable Kids: A social entrepreneurship program for teens (separate camp for tweens)
YouTube Content Creators: (A Black Rocket camp)
Check out all of TCC’s summer camps for budding scientists, engineers, video game enthusiasts, interior designers, computer wizards and more. TCC camps have options for elementary, middle school and high school aged-youth.

Other popular options:
- Junior Veterinarian School encourages campers to explore turning their love for animals into a career.
- Creative Writing lets middle school-aged kids explore their creative side by working with college faculty in writing and producing a short play.
- Video Game Animation encourages campers to take their game design skills to the next level by creating and animating their own characters and objects.
- Interior Design Bootcamp has students explore the design process and tackle a realistic design problems.
- STEM Camps exposes campers to careers in science, technology, engineering and math.
week-long, affordable programs are located on its Chesapeake, Norfolk,
Portsmouth and Virginia Beach campuses, and at the Center for Workforce
Solutions in Suffolk. Camps are offered from June through August.
Limited enrollment size ensures all campers receive
personalized attention.

There is an early bird pre-registration discount of $5 per camp through May 31. Scholarships are available for some camps, and noted online in the camp description.
For a complete listing of camps, visit Registration is now open.
For information, contact us at 757-822-1234 or email