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Ivory Warren: Human Services Program Head

Ivory Warren joined Tidewater Community College in 1998 as a counselor for the Norfolk Campus Women’s Center. From the start, Warren has been a friendly and calming presence for the students she serves.

“I love helping students stay on track,” Warren says. “It has been my delight to be the change agent that shows them how to manage time and do the work necessary to be who they want to be.”

During her tenure as a counselor, Warren also served as an adjunct faculty member, teaching classes ranging from stress management to human sexuality to women’s health. In 2011, Warren became the program head for Human Services and began teaching those classes exclusively. In 2013, she was named the first full-time faculty member for the program.

The first program of its kind at the college, the Associate of Applied Science in Human Services prepares students for a variety of careers in the industry, from case-management aide to community outreach worker to life-skills counselor to gerontology aide to mental health aide. The program includes a 65-credit hour curriculum and two internship experiences that emphasize practical skills.

“When I teach, I aim to give students nuggets of knowledge they can use during their academic journey and careers,” Warren adds. “These classes are designed to give students the skills and tools necessary for success, and our internships provide hands-on training and often lead to jobs.”

Warren adds, “I love the student interaction. I believe in our students, and soon they start believing in themselves. Success usually follows.”

Warren holds a bachelor’s and master’s in social work and is at work on a doctorate in human services administration with NOVA Southeastern University. She serves on the Women’s Center’s Network for Empowering Women Students and the Norfolk Campus Faculty Senate. In her free time, Warren enjoys traveling, reading and puzzles.